10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt A Pet

Sunday, October 2, 2011

1. When you Adopt a pet, you are saving a life.

2. When you Adopt a pet, you will receive a lifetime of love from a pet so grateful to you that you will not believe it. They always know you saved them.

3. When you Adopt a pet, you make room for one more at the Shelter or Rescue, so you are actually saving 2 lives at the same time.

4. When you a pet, you are taking money away from puppy mills and pet stores making their business less profitable.

5. When You Adopt a pet, you are going to save money. You will just pay a small adoption fee, instead of an outrageous 'price' from a breeder or pet store.

6. When you Adopt a pet, they will usually come already fixed and up to date on their shots. All these things would often cost a lot if you had to pay for them yourself.

7. When you Adopt a pet, they will often be healthier than one that comes from a puppy mill, where in breeding is rampant and living conditions are often appalling.

8. When you Adopt a pet, you will get support from an entire community of pet lovers who appreciate what you did, and you will even get discounts from some amazing Vets!

9. When you Adopt a pet, you are setting a great example for others with your compassion.

10. When you Adopt a pet. you will be my hero.

by Chris Hoar, Pet Pardons


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